Sunday, February 9, 2014

Portland Snowpocolypse 2014!!

     So, I've been inside since Thursday, because of our first snow storm in five years, and supposedly our worst since 1993.  I remember every Winter having a good week or two of snow when I was a kid.  The problem with snow in Portland is that the whole city shuts down.  In the entire city of Portland, Oregon we only have 55 snow plows, so only major major roads are plowed.  Not even Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy. was plowed yesterday when we went shopping for food.  So, our roads are a sheet of packed snow and ice, which is good if you have ski's or a sled.  Some people were cross country skiing.  We have steep hills, especially on the West side, where I live, so a lot if cars have been abandoned at the bottom of the hills.
     On our way home from shopping last night the freezing rain started and we were almost certain that we would lose power.  Fortunately we did not.  When we woke up the mountain of snow in our yard became and ice mountain.  It was so cute when I took the dogs out because Valentine is so small that she doesn't break through the ice so she was skating around with her legs outstretched and her claws out.  She looked like a baby fawn walking for the first time.  I let Georgie (cat) go out to check it out and he puffed up like a big snow cat and then he started crying as if I could make it all go away.
     I am enjoying the storm.  I have such fond memories of the last snow storm which was during Christmas and I just stayed home, baked cookies and drank wine.  I also ventured out for a snow walk to the liquor store so I could buy some cognac for the cookies I was making.  I couldn't wait to repeat that storm the following year.......well, I had to wait five years but it was worth it.  I don't understand why people are complaining about cabin fever.  There is so much to do at home and don't people know how to relax?  Uhhh.. our society is so ADD. I have lot's of studying for my upcoming Nutrition exam.  So, I've been studying and relaxing.  I didn't even turn on the TV once yesterday, which for me, is a big deal.  I do miss volunteering and I hope my elderly friends are ok.  The retirement home is up a steep hill off of Beaverton Hillsdale Highway, so I hope people have been able to get there to work.  When it snows in Portland there usually isn't a plan B.  This morning an air raid, that probably hasn't been used since the Cold War, went off and warned people to stay home.  I didn't hear it but I received a message on my phone.
Walking to the dog park on the first day of fluffy snow
My neighbors front yard
The view of my street from Robert Grey Middle School
The snow banks at the dog park
Our front porch from the driveway
On our way to Target on Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy. - ghost-town

     Since we've had some quality time at home I decided to watch Netflix- also because of the Borelympics.  Or maybe I should call it the Horrorlympics?  Funny? Hoax?  I don't have a very good sense of humor apparently.  I saw some pictures of the American Athletes and they looked like they were having fun so that made me feel better.  I guess they are making their time there fun and not acting like spoiled American brats. mmm brats sound good,  I just saw some vegetarian ones at the store yesterday, I'll have to try them.  Anyway, back to Netflix, I have been watching some food documentaries.  One is called Forks Over Knives which was required in my Nutrition class for a project we have to do on Paleo diet vs. Vegan diet.  If you can handle some boring MD's talk about how great being a vegan is for you, you should watch this video.  The movie is informative and actually interesting if you have any interest in adopting a plant based diet. I am already mostly a vegetarian, so I am seriously considering going mostly vegan.  

Vegan isn't just about saving animals, studies are proving more and more that high animal protein diets can lead to cancer among other things.  Also, one thing that was in the movie that stunned me and made me sad was that the rain forests around the world are being destroyed to create livestock farms, which is bad for the environment and the ecosystems, but also the cows are fed a grain diet that could feed most of the starving people in the world.  If that doesn't make you reconsider what's on your plate, maybe it should. I ordered the cook book from Amazon and I am looking forward to making some life changes.  
     Volunteering with the elderly and seeing my grandmother's in their nineties has made me realize that we're living long lives.  I would like to be as healthy as I can be when I am older.  I want to be able to move around well and not get too tired.  I want to avoid cancer as much as possible (I know that's it's not always avoidable).  I can only do this by taking care of my body and what I put into it.  

I guess people in Portland aren't so weird after all

    I also watched Hungry for Change, which is a documentary about sugar and artificial sweetener consumption.  I definitely have a problem with both, being addicted to diet Red Bull and Ice cream. This movie is a little aggressive and in your face.  The people are passionate about what they believe but I think some of what they say is biased and full of scare tactics.  In my Nutrition class we've discussed how bad sugar is for you and not only are diabetes and heart disease risks of too much sugar but so is cancer. I am terrified of cancer. Diabetes is debilitating and I see a lot of patients and my own family members who have suffered from it but to me cancer seems the scariest.  So, if you have a sugar addiction and would like to be scared or feel really guilty (like me) you should watch this movie.  
Well, I need to stop procrastinating and get back to studying for my Nutrition exam.  I'll talk to you all soon!

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