Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Karma is a bitch!

      This day started out awesome. I did not finish my reading assignment last night and my instructor cancelled our morning essay question based on the reading.  She is sick and doesn't want to touch our papers.  I feel like I am surrounded by the plague.  I have been washing my hands and using hand sanitizer every chance I get.  I need to use my netty pot too, because I always wake up stuffy in the morning.
     After my writing class I went to Nutrition.  Right now we're talking about sugar and I have some interesting information.  Some of you may be aware but bare with me, if you already know.  So the last time I took nutrition was about ten years ago.  In ten years the science behind artificial sweeteners has not changed.  No one knows what's up.  Ok people.  I will keep drinking my Fresca. As for sugar that is a whole other ball game.  Scientists (legit - not the ones that work for People magazine) are discovering new things about sugar constantly.  These days scientists can do brain scans to see how our brains react to sugar.  The scientists have discovered that our dopamine receptors respond to sugar like they do to recreational drugs.  Tell me something I don't know.  I have been addicted to sugar my whole life.  However, my instructor said that these findings are more prevalent in overweight women. Hmmmm....... I don't know how I feel about that.  Anyway, my favorite thing that my nutritionist talked about was agave.  I haven't heard about agave in a while but I always wondered how it could be so great if it is a sugar.  It isn't.  Agave has more fructose than honey and does not contain increased nutrient density compared to other sugars.  So, agave is worse than honey.  My instructor did not say that but it was implied.  She did say, like everything else, it's ok in moderation, just don't pour it all over your food. What I love about nutrition the most, is debunking food myths - especially since I am surrounded by them in Portland.  Almost everyone I know is on the gluten bandwagon.  My instructor said that there are no doubt sensitivities and allergy's to gluten but it's often used as a reason for everything.  She also said that a lot of sensitivities and allergy's are derived from marketing.  So, now you all know why they charge an arm and a leg for gluten-free products.  Even if quitting gluten helps my friends and acquaintances via placebo affect, I'll support them - while I eat gluten.
      Ok, I'll get off my nutrition soapbox (like I should be talking anyway) and discuss my elders.  Oh where do I start?  I love the older people I volunteer with, if they're mean they're funny, if they are sweet they are funny, if they have severe dementia...... you get the idea.  Today was especially special.  I decided to go on my first outing with the residents.  I am discovering that I usually get assigned to a person right away and stay with them throughout an activity.  Today we went shopping.  Only three people went because a big trip to the mall is coming up and they are saving their pennies - or BINGO money. My little friend today wanted to go bra shopping.  I thought to myself "well, this is perfect for me, I love to shop and look for a deal."  but I also feared the comfort level of the resident - she wanted to know if I could measure her for a bra:/  Before we looked for the bra we rode to the store in the little bus.  I was entertained with a Yiddish expression "With one tuchus you can't dance at two weddings."  Which is basically saying you can't do everything at once.  The women I was with were all from the East Coast.  They know nothing about their surroundings and lamenting about how confusing Portland's streets are because they are not numbered. Cute.  We arrived at the store and I put my bra shopping hat on.  We headed straight for the bra's and then the ball was dropped.  My friend had very specific needs - a white bra, no underwire, clasps in the back, and 10.00 or less.  Whaaaaa????  I like a shopping challenge but this would be major.  I literally looked through all of the bra's, had the sales associate help, watched my friend try on a bra in a modest way, managed to make fun of her Boston accent and after an hour she decided on one that was a little too big and three dollars more than her budget. Oy Vey!  I decided this experience was my karma for not taking my Grandma shopping when she asked.
    When I returned to the retirement home I had watercoloring to do and then BINGO.  Nothing super-exciting happened at either one but I enjoyed myself nonetheless.  I knew I would enjoy this experience but I had no idea how much I would enjoy it.  I always want to stay and not leave.  I feel like I am visiting grandparents every time and I want to know all about them.  They all have interesting stories even if they are just about history.  Today one of the women told me her husband was drafted in WWII, when they had a baby.  Later on they talked about their lives before washing machines and dryers and how they used to put moth balls in all of their Winter clothes when they stored them.  I find all of these stories fascinating.  I look forward to more stories.
    I think I have blabbed enough for a couple of days.  I love that between my Nutrition class and volunteering I have lot's of interesting stories.  TTFN


  1. Ha! This reminds me of the time that I took my Grandma bra shopping. She wanted a very specific kind of bra, that was almost like a girdle. She was trying to describe it to the sales woman. Finally, Grandma just lifted her top up in the middle of the store and said, "Like this!". That was so fantastic. We weren't able to find her a bra, either, though. :/

  2. They get so uninhibited. She couldn't even make it to the dressing room before she tried it on:/
